Monday 23 January 2017


                                                                  CHAPTER ONE
1.1 Background of the study
               The introduction of Treasury Single Account is as a result of numerous corrupt practices that exist in the Country’s public accounting system. This was as result of lack of transparency and accountability in the management of public funds. Treasury Single Account (TSA) is one of the financial policies implemented by the federal government of Nigeria to consolidate all the revenue from all the ministries, departments, and agencies (MDAs) in the country by way of deposit into Commercial banks traceable into a single account at the Central Bank of the country. They are critical for ensuring that all tax and non-tax revenues are collected and payments are made correctly in a timely manner; and government cash balances are optimally managed to reduce borrowing costs (or to maximize returns on surplus cash). This is achieved by establishing a consolidated government bank accounts via a treasury single account (TSA). Treasury single account (TSA) is a prerequisite for modern cash management and is an effective tool for the ministry of finance/treasury to establish oversight and centralized control over government’s cash resources (Adeyemo and Salami, (2008). It provides a number of other benefits and thereby enhances the overall effectiveness of a public financial management (PFM) system.
            Treasury single account (TSA) also facilitates debt management, and monetary policy coordination as well as reconciliation of banking data, which in turn improves the quality of fiscal information (Aluko, 2008). Treasury Single Account (TSA) is one of the proven practices in improving the payment and revenue collection systems, and carrying out consistent control of public expenditures by centralizing the free balances of government bank accounts. The TSA infrastructure is usually implemented as a part of the Financial Management Information System (FMIS) solutions. In other words, treasury single account (TSA) is a bank account or a set of linked bank accounts through which the government transacts all its receipts and payments and gets a consolidated view of its cash position at the end of each day.
                 However, fiscal operations are actions taken by the government to implement budgetary policies, such as revenue and expenditure measures, as well as issuance of public debt instruments and public debt management. Fiscal operations include accounting and financial reporting, cash management, investments, accounts payable, payroll, fixed assets, internal control, and debt service management. This includes maintaining the general ledger and all subsidiary ledgers, preparation of required reconciliations, ensuring compliance with the annual budget ordinance, reporting to State and Federal agencies, updating the Capital Improvements Plan and preparation of the annual operating budget.
               The Office of Fiscal Service is to develop policy and operate the financial infrastructure of the federal government, including payments, collections, cash management, financing, central accounting, and delinquent debt collection. They provides policy oversight of the bureaus under it and develops policy on payments, collections, debt financing operations, electronic commerce, government wide accounting, government investment fund management, and other issues. The office also performs two critical functions for the department: it manages the daily cash position of the government and it produces the cash and debt forecasts used to determine the size and timing of the government's financing operations. Fiscal Operations and Policy, oversees the development and implementation of policies relating to the government's cash management operations, investment and administration of trust funds, payments, collections, and debt collections.
       Therefore, treasury single account (TSA) is an essential tool for consolidating and managing governments’ cash resources, thus minimizing borrowing costs. Considering Nigeria as a country with fragmented government banking arrangements, the establishment of a TSA should receive priority in the public financial management reform agenda as well as meeting the preconditions and desirable sequencing for its successful implementation. From the foregoing, it is obvious that the primary objective of a TSA is to ensure effective aggregate control over government cash balances. It avoids borrowing and paying additional interest charges to finance the expenditures of some agencies while other agencies keep idle balances in their bank accounts. There were situations where some MDA’s manage their finances like independent empire and remit limited revenue to government treasuries. Under a properly run TSA, this is not possible as agencies of government are meant to spend in line with duly approved budget provisions. The maintenance of a single account for government will enable the Ministry of Finance monitor fund flow as no agency of government is allowed to maintain any operational bank account outside the oversight of the ministry of finance. The full implementation of this programme therefore is a critical step towards eradicating corruption and other financial irregularities ravaging the country. Therefore by introducing economy and efficiency in the management of scarce public resources, the Government is in a better position to realize its policy goals
1.2 Statement of the problem

               A country with fragmented government banking arrangements that lack effective control over its resources can pay for its institutional deficiencies in multiple ways. First, idle cash balances in bank accounts often fail to earn returned on capital. Secondly, the government, being unaware of these resources, incurs unnecessary transactions and borrowing costs in raising funds to cover a perceived cash shortage. Thirdly, delay in executing government budgets and projects as a result of lack of funds in Government account. The problem of financial leakages, increase in corruption, lack of transparency and accountability are also major concerned. The researcher, therefore want to examine how treasury single account (TSA) implementation on government fiscal operation can significantly eliminate or reduces the above mentioned problems.


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