Friday 15 July 2016


Waste management is the process of treating solid wastes and offers variety of solutions for recycling items that don’t belong to trash. It is about how garbage can be used as a valuable resource. Waste management is something that each and every household and business owner in the world needs. Waste management disposes of the products and substances that you have use in a safe and efficient manner. Waste management is the “generation, prevention, characterization, monitoring, treatment, handling, reuse and residual disposition of solid wastes”. There are various types of solid waste including municipal (residential, institutional, commercial), agricultural, and special (health care, household hazardous wastes, sewage sludge
The influence of poor waste management on environmental health in Nigeria has been a cause of concern, most especially as it affects the inhabitants of Calabar south Local Government of Cross River State.
       Waste has been on existence since the creation of man and the environment. However, awareness on environmental sanitation is presently creating high interest towards environmental education in Nigeria.
       The reason for this development is due to the highly and increasing experiences of environmental filtration. It is observed that the increase in human population and it’s high growth rate, industrial development contribute to solid waste management.
The destructions includes, indiscriminate waste disposal industrial air and water pollution etc. result in the reduction of their healthiness. The United Nation’s conference in human environment held in Stockom in 1972 agreed on a plan of action to safeguard and enhance the environment of global scale in order to improve the standard of ecological health of the earth, through the improvement of right of man to live in an environment that preserves his dignity.
       Obi (1996) disposal of waste in the country (Nigeria) has been assuming disturbing dimension as most authorities connected with waste management have allowed their disposal to create pollution problems to the nation’s environmental health.
The country’s waste falls under three broad classes namely liquids waste, gaseous waste and solid waste.
       These is often generated by human beings and their combined activities in the industrial agricultural rural and urban sectors.
We generate waste but only few of us know or care about what happens to them as it affects human health and the environment. The unplanned urban nature of the developing countries like Nigeria in general and Calabar south in particular has implication for waste management among other social services like provision of shelter and efficient management of solid waste policies face threat of being entirely shocked in the ever growing refuse generation.
The parcel of land like (garden street) which could have been used for waste disposal are normally has taken over for other urban land uses, this factor made it impossible to acquire permanent disposal sites.
Solid waste is the most acute type of environmental degradation that has engulfed our cities in recent times piles of refuse dumps blocked the street and drain in most part of Nigerian towns, they have produced unbearable stinking odour in market places, parks etc and breed rats, cockroaches flies and other pests that are dangerous threat to our environmental health.
       But in most parts of the civilized countries of the world, the traditional ways of disposing refuse are by dumping on land fills and by incineration. Organic maters are composited and feed to pigs. Liquids wastes are often diluted with fresh water after some treatment before being passed into the surface waster system while industrial gaseous waste are generally diluted by emission into atmosphere. Today, waste disposal is a major industry itself
       It has acquired very sophisticated technology to avoid environmental health contamination. Most waste treatment technologies ranges from recycling of metals and papers to the disposal of nuclear waste in sealed resistant containers at selected disposal site, landfill, incinerators at selected disposal sites far away from the city are the methods for handling the common solid waste generated by most household and the few industries in our country. What is simply required is for city dwellers to wait for their refuse vans to come round and pick them up from one part of the city to the other thereby causing serious health hazard to the people living around that environment.
The waste disposal agencies in Calabar South Local Government Area include the city scavengers, Calabar Urban Development Authority (CUDA), Environmental Sanitation and Protection Agency etc. They complain of lack of funds to maintain their refuse vans and other running cost of the agencies as major problems of refuse collection and as a result of this refuse piles are seen on every major road, junction over the areas.
       On it’s parts the Federal Government has since 1985 promulgated a decree in response to the filthiness of refuse problem in this country by introducing the National Environmental Sanitation Programme. This was to indicate in every Nigerian the basic public sanitation habit such as proper disposal of refuse and clearing of one’s surrounding.
Environmental sanitation ediths has also been promulgated at state government levels.
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The good of most national economies of the world is to attain a level of full utilization of factors of production to reach full production capacity, reduce unemployment to its bearest minimum and amongst other stability in the economy.
In economics and finance, an index is a statistical measure of changes in a representative group to individual data points. These data may be derived from any number of sources, including company performance, price, productivity and employment. Economic indices allow analysis of economic performance and prediction of future performance.
Economic indices (index phrasal) track economic health from different perspectives economic performance can be evatiated with thee index and conclusion reached which would affect the economy at large. Business firms have heirachy and levels of management, which Ewurum and Unamka gave two broad categories. Administrative and Executive, they also went ahead to divide them into Top Management, Middle management and Operational management. These levels of management are vested with different levels of decision making ranging from policy formulation, planning, organizing, staffing, leading, directing, communicating and controlling of activities in the organization including the employees.
These levels of management make decision which affects business as well as the economy as a whole. The decisions therefore, are stimulated by data information from economic indicators. Management hence makes decision that will affect both their organization and the economy at large. These economic indices includes: stock market index, consumer price index, producer price index, GDP deflator, labour market index. Other measurement of economic performance may include, unemployment level, inflation rate, level of industrialization among others.
Economic indicators therefore is simply any economic statistic such as inflation, unemployment rate, GDP etc which indicates how well the economy is doing and how the economy is going to do in the future. It is this information at the disposal of the managers decision makers of organization that aid in decision making process in Nigerian business environment.
To this end, all regulatory bodies should ensure that appropriate information are passed across and that such information about these economic indices are timely for decision making purposes which will in turn help in stabilizing the economy and aid sustainable growth of the Nigerian economy. This background information is the basis for analyzing the impact of economic indices on business decisions in Nigeria.
The recent occurrence in economic activities in Nigeria and the global economic meltdown has rendered many companies hopeless to the next move or decision to take concerning the production distribution and consumption of economic commodities. Managers therefore, depend on the economic indices for decision making resulting in the selection of a course of action among several alternatives. In as much these indices help business decision, it has also aided fraudsters in siphoning off profits from business into their personal bank account.
Now, could the impact of economic indices on business decision in Nigeria be considered really positive in the fact of it’s few negatives side? It is very necessary that the positive aspect of economic indices is harnessed properly to ensure effectiveness and efficiency in the Nigeria business decision process and also to minimize the efforts of it’s negative side. How often do Nigeria business and organization update her knowledge of current economic indices? Have these businesses fully maximize the advantages deriable from decision making with the knowledge of movement of the country’s economic indices. Some organizations are yet to incorporate economic indices into their information system for decision purpose. This has led to inefficiency, therefore are the numerous advantages economic indices has brought to the Nigeria business environment.What is the role of government in ensuring that proper indies are made available and that they are not misleading to the economy? Are the regulatory bodies in Nigerian business environment vigilant enough to detect these fraudsters and ensure a healthy business environment?

Most small business are not concerned about economic indices and it’s effect on the economy, what are the numerous advantages of economic indices on business decision? And how can the awareness of it’s need be increased? It is important to note that fraud and other inconsistent economic practices and also the cost of ignorance in this age and century cannot be over emphasized.

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1.1     Background of the study
Breastfeeding is an unequaled way of providing ideal nutrition for the healthy growth and development of infants. The global public health recommendation is that infants should be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life to achieve optimal growth, development and health (WHO, 2003). Exclusive breastfeeding in the first six months of life stimulates babies’ immune systems and protects them from diarrhea and acute respiratory infections, two of the major causes of infant mortality in the developing world and improves their responses to vaccination (UNICEF, 2006).
         Exclusively breastfed infants obtain most of the nutrients required to support growth until six months. Vitamin D which is insufficient in breast milk is supplemented by exposure to sunlight for the skin to synthesize it while iron and zinc are supplemented by prenatal stores (Garza, 2002). Exclusive breastfeeding during the initial months of life and continued breastfeeding through at least the first year of life is associated with substantial reduction in the burden of infections (Fisk et al., 2010; Arifeen et al., 2001; Brown et al., 1989). Breastfeeding reduces the mother's risk of fatal postpartum hemorrhage, the risk of breast and ovarian cancer, and of anemia, and by spacing births, breastfeeding allows the mother to recuperate before she conceives again (Leon-Cava et al., 2002).
Over the years breastfeeding has been regarded as the best way of feeding new borns by mothers as it is healthier and natural, it is a way of fulfilling their God given roles as mothers who are the nurtures of family life. The reason having being that breast feeding has been accepted as the most vital intervention for reducing infant mortality and ensuring optimal growth and development of children as it contains antibodies and lymphocytes that help the body resist infections Gruptal and Arora (2007).
In Nigeria, the level of infant mortality is rated among the highest in the world. This is attributed to, among other factors such as non-practice of exclusive breastfeeding by working class mothers in Nigeria Yewande as reported by Oyebade (2013). According to the 2003 Nigeria Demographic Health Survey (NDHS) exclusive breastfeeding rate was 17%. In 2008 it was rated 13% with 34% of infants aged 0-5 months who were given plain water in addition to breast milk, while 10% were given milk other than breast milk. Then rated 17% in 2013. Despite progress in some countries, Nigeria is still with a low percentage of infants exclusively breastfed to the age of 6 months as expressed by the NDHS.
This is in line with the report by World Health Organization (2009), that sub-optimal breast feeding especially non-exclusive breastfeeding in the first 6 months of life, results in 1 million deaths and 10% of the disease burden in children younger than 5 years of age. Accordingly the United Nations Children Education Fund (UNICEF) in 2012 stated that the leading cause of death among children under age five are pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria and under nutrition. It is estimated that 22% of new born deaths of these diseases would be prevented if exclusive breastfeeding started within the first hours of births. To this end, Adekoya (2013), opined that infants who are not exclusively breastfed are 15 times more likely to die from pneumonia and 11 times more likely to die of diarrhea than those who are exclusively breastfed for the 6 months of life.
Fewtrell (2007) defined exclusive breast feeding as a means that an infant receives only breast milk with no additional foods or liquids not even water WHO and UNICEF (2009), the recommended that children be exclusively breastfed no other liquids, solid food or plain water during the first six months of life. However, appropriate infant feeding practices are needed if Nigeria is to reach the child survival Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) of reducing infant mortality from about 100 deaths per 1000 live births to a target of 35 deaths per 1000 live births. On this note the Nigerian government established the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) in Benin, Enugu, Maidugri, Lagos, Jos and Port-Harcourt with the aim of providing mothers and their infants a supportive environment to promote appropriate exclusive breastfeeding practices, thus helping to reduce infant mortality. Despite these efforts child and infant mortality continue to be major health issues affecting Nigeria. Exclusive breastfeeding rates in Nigeria continue to fall well below the World Health Organization and United Nations Children Fund recommendation of 90% exclusive breastfeeding in children less than 6 months WHO (2009).
A more detailed understanding of the factors that influence the practice of exclusive breast feeding (EBF) in Nigeria is needed to develop effective interventions to improve the rate of exclusive breastfeeding practices and thus reduce infant mortality.
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1.0               INTRODUCTION
Rapid economic development in the developing countries can be possible through developed barking system and its credit policies and development. The banks and other financial institutions  mobilize saving on a large scale and finance a wide range of  activities in the fields of agriculture industry, commerce, transport, exports and other priority sectors. Agricultural is the most important constituents of the priority sectors.
Agricultural development presupposes a greater flow of inputs as well as institutional and organizational reforms. Agricultural credit policy is one of the most crucial inputs in an agricultural development programmes. The need for credit increases with the modernization as it involves financial investments. The overall impact on the economy and the attendant welfares and improved standard of living of Nigerian citizens by the agricultural credit policies/ development programmes inspired me to embark me to work on this master’s research work.

1.1    Background to the study
          Since Nigeria attained independence in 1960, there has been a consistent drive towards the improvement of the agricultural sector of the economy. This can be seen in the various agricultural policies that have been embarked upon by different regimes of both military and civilian governments so as to attain food security through agricultural, a core and pivotal sector of the entire economy.
          FAO (1996) defined food security as that which exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and health life. This widely accepted definition points to the following dimensions of food security:
-        Food availability: The availability of sufficient quantities of food of appropriate quality supplied through domestic production or imports (including food aid).
-        Food access: Access by individuals to adequate resources (entitlements) for acquiring appropriate foods for a nutritious diet. Entitlements are defined as the set of all commodity bundies over which a person can establish command given the legal, political, economic and social arrangements of the community in which they live (including traditional rights such as access to common resources).
-        Utilization: Utilization of food through adequate diet, clean water, sanitation and healthcare to reach a state of nutritional well being where all physiological needs are met. This brings out the importance of non-food inputs in food security.
-       Stability: To be food secure, a population, householder individual must have access to adequate food at all time. They should not risk losing access to food as a consequence of sudden shocks (e.g. an economic or climate crisis) or cyclonical events (e.g; seasonal food insecurity). The concept of stability can therefore refer to both the availability and access dimensions of food security.
Agriculture is the cultivation of land, raising and, rearing of animals for the purpose of production of food for man, animals and industries. It involves and comprise of crop production, livestock and forestry, fishery, processing and marketing of those agricultural production (Mabuza et al, 2008).
          In the theories of economic development (agricultural and economic development) propounded by Lewis (1954), he saw agriculture as the basis for industrial growth and development. He saw agriculture as freeing disguised labour for industrial production and hence the engine of growth and development of any society must obviously start with agricultural production. In this sense, Irgco et al (2004) with heavy modernization and mechanization of agriculture, labour is free for industrial development.

Arnold (2001) referred Economic Growth either to absolute real economic growth or to per capita real economic growth. Absolute real economic is an increase in real GDP (Gross Domestic Product from one period to the next. But per capita real economic growth is an increase from one period to the next in per capita Real GDP, which is Real GDP divided by population. 

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The purpose of this work is a modest attempt to evaluate the effect and challenges of the personal income tax administration in Nigeria with a view to ascertaining the extent to which the administration satisfies the optimal criteria of revenue yield, economy, equity, convenience and income redistribution with particular emphasis on Enugu State of Nigeria.
Personal income tax is a compulsory contribution exerted from employees, employers and the self employed persons for the purpose of financing some governmental established function. It also a tax imposed on the incomes of individuals, communities and families. It is also charged on the incomes due to a trustee or an estate.
The personal Income Tax Act, 2004 is now amended by the personal income Tax (Amendment) Act, 2011. This follows many years of agitation for the personal income Tax law in Nigeria to be brought in line with present-day economic realities; and also to assist to increase the compliance levels and the amount of tax voluntarily paid and or collected by the Nigeria government. Some of the highpoints of this new personal income Tax legislation are highlighted in this Tax Alert for your enlightenment and necessary action.   The established functions include: The duty of protecting the society from violence and invasion by other independent states; the duty of protecting  every member of the society from the injustice or operations of other members of the society, the duty of establishing highly beneficial public utility institutions and work which are of such nature that the profit they could earn can make repay the expenses to any individual or to a small number of individuals that may provide them; and the duty of meeting expenses necessary for the support for the sovereignty of the state. The personal income tax in Nigeria is being regulated by the income tax management act of 1961 with series of amendments and personal income decree of 1998.
Personal income tax revenue constitutes one of the major sources of internal revenue to state governments in Nigeria while the statutory allocations from the federal government occupy the premier position. Revenue from the premier sources have remained stagnant due to the oil glut in the international oil market in 1978 followed by the protracted collapse in the crude oil prices in 1982. The inability of the state government to meet the drop in statutory allocation through personal income tax administration and other internal revenue sources compelled them to depend more on foreign assistance.
Taxation is an aspect of public finance in revenue improvement. The sale objective of public finance is to satisfy both merit and social wants. This establishes the rational for progressive taxation. Government subsidization in the form of relief to low-income earners is necessary under progressive personal income tax. The emphasis is one satisfying merit want or necessaries where the actual income is greater than the expected expenses, this forms the basis of tax cut by government to those savings. People falling into the category where marginal propensity to save is dissevers.
The creation of 36 states and full granting of autonomy to local governments in Nigeria has helped to bring administration nearer to the governed. Consequently, the demand for the government services and the need for rapid economic development have increased the need for revenue generation. As government attempts to meet the growing demand for its services it’s recurrent expenditure rises steeply every year. Apart from meeting the rising recurrent, revenue, it has to generate savings (or budget surplus) on the recurrent account for financing the capital expenditure. The state government seems to recognize, that it is by overhauling the tax administration and laws that their meager revenue from personal income tax would greatly increased. Personal income tax administration can be said to have performed creditably, where it achieved adequate revenue and meet the established criteria of equity, economy, certainty, convenience, and income re-distribution.
Total tax revenue from sources absolutely controlled by the government and the administration of tax laws in the economy has been facing a lot of challenges over the years.
The persistent decline in the revenue were mainly due to less emphasis on the importance of personal income tax as a source of internal revenue generation while the measures introduced under various administrations have not helped in achieving the desired objective.

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1.1   Background of the Study
        Leadership is an art. It is a secular subject which is necessary for both expatriate and Nigerian managers to understand. Without the knowledge and skills of leadership your company organization is going nowhere.
        Whenever there is a good leader, you will notice a great deal of development and you will notice prosperity. The absence of leadership can be seen clearly in the two worlds. You will notice the absence of leaders in the spiritual or church world. When there is lack of good leadership in the organization or secular world, you will notice poverty, lack of development of the organization, lack of knowledge coming due to none teaching from those expected to impact the knowledge.
        Directing the human resources of an organization to achieve organizational goals could be the most difficult functions of management. In big organizations like Shell and Elf, different people from all walk of life come together to make use of the physical resources to achieve the company’s plans. The fact that no two human beings are the same makes leadership functions very complex.
        The leader as a human being comes into the organization with a different aspiration, temperament and intellectuality. The way he plays his role determines how other people perceive him. Leadership has been subjected to many definitions. This means that there is no general opinion regarding how the term “leadership” should be defined. This lack of opinion is not really, an outcome of lack of assets. Many years of studies and researches have led to series of theories and models.  There are almost as many definitions of leadership as there are researchers who have studies the topic (and over 3000 empirical studies of leadership have been carried out)” cited in Feldman and Aronold (1983).
        However, Nwachukwu in his book defines leadership as “a social influencing process for attainment of goals”. He cited other scholars-Alam and Robert who defined leadership as a process where one person (or group of persons) exert(s) social influence over the members of a group. Elaborating on this, he states further that “a leader is the most influential person in an organization who provides direction, guides group activities and ensures that group objectives are attained”. A good leader, therefore, should be able to persuade others to move willingly and interestingly towards the achievement of group goals or objectives.
        Bernard (1983) cited in Adag and Brief (1981) defined leadership “as the ability of one person to influence the behavior of another”. It is, therefore noteworthy to mention that the concept of leadership involves the concept of influence that induces any attempt directed at influencing the behavior of others for goals that may or may not coincide with those of the organization.
        This led us to realize that in any typical organization, leadership exists in two forms-formal and informal. Somebody who is elected, appointed or nominated to a position of authority is said to exercise formal leadership. While informal leadership is exerted by a person who emerges as influential over others as a result of possessing special skills of resources which others do not have.
        The influence a leader has helps him in obtaining and maintaining a high level of employee-test motivation and willingness to implement decisions. In addition to inducing subordinates, leaders in organizations usually perform very many other important functions. Such functions as ensuring the efficient organization of the group to perform its tasks in the most desirable way, ensuring that workers receive essential instruction and information, proper and immediate conflict management among subordinates, and maintenance of group cohesion and team work.
        Leadership style indicates the pattern of leadership behaviour that characterizes a certain leader. Rue and Byers (1983) comment that studies conducted in the 1970’s by Kurt Levin, Ronald Hippit, and Ralph K White concentrated on the manner or style of leadership, these studies identified three basic leadership styles, autocratic, Laissez-faire and democratic”. Generally, the democratic leader guides and encourages the group to make and participate in making decision. A lassiez-faire leader allows individuals to make all decisions. And an autocratic leader makes all decisions for the group. The choice of a leadership style can be said to be determined by many factors which are leader’s motivational structure, that is, whether he or she is primarily motivated by talk accomplishment, by good inter-personal relationship, or cultural and educational orientation.
        Then it is against this background described that the researcher wants to write to write on leadership styles of expatriate and Nigerian managers, a case study of two companies in Nigeria

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Wednesday 13 July 2016


Child abuse survivors may demonstrate certain characteristics in adulthood that can impede their ability to function in everyday life and to maintain good, healthy relationships with others. It should be noted, however, that each child abuse survivor is an individual, and may manifest some characteristics but not others. The differences among child abuse survivors are due to a number of things, including genetics, social environment and whether or not the survivor was able to receive therapy and support in dealing with his condition. Another aspect that can have a significant impact on the characteristics of survivors is the type and severity of abuse they experienced while growing up.
        Victims of various types of abuse may demonstrate symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and may suffer from both anxiety and depression. Child abuse survivors may resort to a variety of coping mechanisms to help them manage their feelings and achieve some type of normal functioning. For example, a child abuse survivor may abuse drugs or alcohol as a way of “numbing” himself against unpleasant memories and psychic pain. He may also have difficulty maintaining close and trusting relationships with other people. In addition, mental health problems combined with impairments in socialization may make it difficult for some child abuse survivors to hold gainful employment.
       However, different types of child abuse can produce different long-lasting symptoms in survivors. In some cases, child abuse survivors still bear physical symptoms of both physical and sexual child abuse. For many survivors, this damage can contribute to emotional anguish and make it difficult for the victim to achieve closure. Sexual child abuse survivors may have difficulty establishing appropriate boundaries with others in sexual and romantic relationships. The survivor may either act out in a promiscuous manner or be overly compliant with a sexual partner regardless of the victim's own needs and desires. Alternatively, the victim may develop an abhorrence of physical contact and sexual behavior. Victims of mental child abuse may develop defense mechanisms that can significantly impede their ability to interact with others. These defense mechanisms may include becoming overly submissive or, alternatively, aggressive in their relationships. These victims may also find themselves keeping others at a distance through a lack of trust. Alternatively, these victims may also find themselves acting in a way that makes them easy targets for exploiters and abusers. As these victims may have difficulty feeling comfortable with relationships that are not abusive, they may either seek out or endure abusive relationships in adulthood. Sexual abuse is a legal concept that describes unwanted or illegal sexual contact. Depending on applicable laws, the term may be synonymous with, or separate from, sexual assault. Sexual abuse definitions may include acts that may be consensual but illegal, coerced sexual contact occurring under physical or psychological threat, or other types of unwanted contact between the abuser and victim.  If unwanted or illegal penetration occurs, the situation often falls under rape or assault laws, rather than abuse laws. Abuse codes sometimes deal only with violations that exclude actual sexual penetration, such as unwanted or illegal touches, or illegal exposure to pornography.
     Again, sexual abuse laws often deal with the illegal sexual treatment of a minor or child. Abuse may occur between an adult and child, or between two minors. Consent is typically not a factor in child sex abuse cases, as a minor typically is not granted the right of consent. Abuse laws may also protect those who are over the age of consent but judged to be mentally incompetent. Those convicted of sexual abuse crimes may be sentenced to jail time, psychological counseling, and restitution penalties. Additionally, some regions have laws governing sex offenders even after jail time is served. In some areas, a person convicted of a sexual crime such as abuse may have to register permanently as an offender. Registered offenders may be prohibited from living near schools or daycare facilities, working for school systems, and may have their address and criminal record listed in a public database.
        According to statistics, most sexual abuse crimes occur between family members or are perpetrated by an authority figure such as a teacher or babysitter. Since many victims are under psychological or physical threat, reporting and prosecution of abuse is often difficult.
      Many regions also have accessory abuse laws, meaning that any person with knowledge of abuse who does not report it may be subject to criminal charges and civil lawsuits. Sexual abuse can also occur between spouses or romantic partners, and may be considered a form of domestic abuse. For centuries, marriage or cohabitation gave a male partner total sexual rights to the female, including laws that affirmed that rape or sexual abuse could not occur between spouses. In modern times, many legal systems have amended this concept to say that unwanted sexual contact is a crime even between people who are sexually involved. Many psychologists suggest that abuse of a sexual nature can be severely traumatic to victims, often resulting in serious psychological issues that may require extensive treatment to manage or overcome. Studies suggest that many perpetrators of sexual crimes have been victims of similar crimes in childhood. The importance of careful attention to possible signs of abuse is considered by many experts to be a vital step both in stopping current abuse and preventing future violations.
According to the united Nation (UN) standard, child abuse is a condition of causing or permitting to occur, any form of offensive or harmful contact on the body of the child, such a contact incorporated any form of interaction, exchange or communication that brings shame, embarrassment, fear or disgrace to the child.
This therefore, underscores the need to treat the child with dignity and as an entity who when his feeling and emotional disposition are unaffectionate tempered with, may degenerate into crisis.
However, a child is abuse if a recent act or failure to act on the part of a exploitation or any act or failure to act which involves imminent risk of serious harm (Khatric 2004). Child abuse refers simply to the maltreatment of the child, hardly does a day pass by without a news report of a child who has been maltreated, battered, sexually harassed, neglected or abandoned by people who were suppose to look after them. Child abuse in Nigeria has a kind of institutionalized posture not until recently, when many writers, commentators and scholars have drawn the attention of the government and the general public to the incidence of child abuse. The persistence of child abuse has been attributed to some conditions that seems inevitable, and these conditions make families to fail in their duty to the child which include to ensure growth, to give right scope for emotional development and to preserve the art of parenthood as well as to teach behavior. With the alteration of society by rapid socio-economic and political changes various forms of child abuse have been identified, particularly in the rural areas such as in Biase Local Government Area, where there is increase in child labour and exploitation of children.   
Teacher’s frustration stems from the very fact that students are not responsive enough in their lessons and yet both students and parents blame teachers for student’s poor performances. The teachers blame the students of lack of concentration and extra time to read at home. They also blame parents for failing to lay the right foundation on their children education.

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